Supporter Liaison Officers

On Wednesday 16th August 2023, Darlington FC appointed two long-serving fans and DFCSG Directors, Andrew Scullion and Rob Duncan, as Supporter Liaison Officers.

The FA had instructed us to appoint a Supporter Liaison Officer as part of the action plan following the Scarborough incident in January 2023.

Upon reflection, the interview panel decided that both candidates should be appointed, taking into account that we are a volunteer club, the scope of the role, and that both are well known to DFC supporters.

The SLOs will act as conduits between the club and the fans, particularly with regards to information flow on club decisions and activities, and also to contribute to a positive supporter culture and work proactively.

Andrew Scullion
Rob Duncan

Andrew and Rob are ideal for the SLO roles given that they have both been Darlington fans for many years, are long-standing/popular volunteers and are prominent within the fan base due to their positions on the DFCSG board.

Best of luck to both Andrew and Rob from all at DFCSG.