
Interested in standing for election to the DFCSG Board at the next opportunity to do so? Here is how the process works and how you can apply.


The DFCSG Board of Directors comprises no less than six and no more than 12 persons at any given time, with members of the Board of normally serving for periods of three years. A 'retiring' DFCSG Board member can be eligible for re-election at the end of their three year service period.

No person can be a member of the DFCSG Board who:

- ceases to be a Member of DFCSG;

- is younger than 16 years of age;

- has been a member of the DFCSG Board for 12 consecutive years;

- has not been a Member of DFCSG for at least 90 days before the return date of nominations;

- is subject to a bankruptcy order or has in place a composition with their creditors;

- is subject to a disqualification order made under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.

Get Involved

We are in a period when some important decisions will need to be made in respect of the long-term future of the Club. Therefore, if you feel you have the necessary skills and experience to make a positive contribution to the operation and development of DFCSG in our role as majority shareholder of Darlington Football Club, then we would very much like to hear from you. Individuals should be able to devote no less than 10 hours per month, are able to develop ideas that would benefit both the Group and the Club and are able to work under their own steam, or as part of a group to deliver and report back at the monthly board meetings.
Our aim is to have a diverse Board as possible, representing our diverse fan base with a broad range of skill sets and different points of view. As such, we would particularly welcome nominations from under-represented groups/communities; the under-25s, disabled members, females and those from ethnic minority or LGBTQ+ backgrounds, as examples.
It would also enhance the Board’s effectiveness, if you can offer experience in any of the following fields:

- Law
- Commercial and business management
- Marketing; PR; Social Media
- Development and Construction, and related disciplines
- HR
- IT
- Financial management

This is an excellent opportunity to make a genuine difference to a fan-owned football club that is embarking on an exciting transition. The work is varied, interesting and very rewarding. Other DFCSG board members, both past and present, talk of the pride they feel from being able to play a part in the running of the club and the satisfaction that their own contribution has given them.  Representatives from the Group liaise regularly with the Football Club so by being a DFCSG board member you can really influence the direction of the Club. So, if you feel you possess the necessary skills and able to devote some time to the role, you are encouraged you to put your name forward.
If you feel you possess the necessary skills and are able to devote some time to the role, you are encouraged you to put your name forward below.

Election Process

The DFCSG AGM is generally held late October/early November and depends on the time taken to prepare the accounts following the financial year ending 30th June. Invitations for the nomination of Board Directors are sent to members by email (or by post for those without email) no less than 8 weeks prior to the provisional date of the AGM. The invitation includes directions to the on-line nomination form, together with details of the number of vacancies and the deadline date by which nominations need to be returned.

Candidates are required to be supported by nominations from two current members of DFCSG.

Candidates will be invited to include a type-written statement of between 400 and 1,000 words supporting their nomination and to include any key skills they have that they consider will be of benefit to the role. A portrait photo will also be required.

Formal notifications of the AGM will be sent out to members no less than 14 days before the set date (although we endeavour to provide a minimum of 21 days notice). Notices sent by email will include a link from which members can download the candidates’ statements. Notices sent by post will include details of the location where a reference copy of the statements can be accessed.

If more nominations are received than there are available places on the Board then an electronic ballot will be conducted in advance of the AGM. The ballot will be preceded by hustings. Unless otherwise stated nearer the time, the hustings will be conducted via Zoom and will be Chaired by the DFCSG Chair. Each candidate will be invited in turn to present their personal statement to the meeting. After all the candidates have presented their personal statements, the audience will be invited to pose questions to individual candidates about their statements or collectively to all the candidates about their views on specific issues.

If there are as many or fewer candidates than there are places, an affirmation ballot will be held at the AGM, details of which would be released at the time.

For further information on the DFCSG Board election process or on how to get involved, please contact jon.saddington@darlingtonfc.org.