Here you'll find a list of both matchday and non-matchday volunteer roles currently available at the Club.
If there's nothing here that suits and you're looking to help out then why not register your interest and let us know a bit about you and we'll get back to you to discuss getting involved.
Matches are normally played on a Saturday at 3pm and finish at 5pm (we do have a small amount of midweek games played on a Tuesday at 7:45pm) and the matchday operation starts at 12pm and ends at 6pm. Volunteers are generally required for 2-3 hours between these times. Maybe you’ve got a partner at home who is at a loose end while you’re at the game? Bring them along and get them involved!
A particularly important area of need is to recruit a group of volunteers who can make themselves available to put on and take off the pitch covers during winter months, when the need arises. The decision to cover the pitch is largely dictated by the weather forecast and typically, for a Saturday game, the pitch would need to be covered on Friday afternoon and the covers removed on Saturday morning. Each of these operations would take between 2-3 hours.
Example roles: Pitch covers crew, Stewards, Turnstile Operators, Programme & Ticket Sellers, Photographers, Ballboys/girls, Clean-up Crew.
Example skills: Organisation, co-ordination, customer service, crowd control (we do offer on the job training if needed and in some cases even a qualification).
"After leaving work I had some spare time so I originally volunteered to help in the office on matchdays in 2012. I wasn't into watching football but was aware that volunteers were needed behind the scenes and thought my 35 years of banking experience could be utilised by handling gate receipts and reconciling takings. I now also help at Quaker Retail and with DFCSG membership and fundraising admin. I enjoy the social interaction with the different people I meet." Angela Raper – Matchday volunteer/Quaker Retail
These roles are typically skilled or semi-skilled and of course have the benefit of being able to help out whilst also not having to miss a minute of the action. These roles are very wide ranging and would be similar to those found in any business. From time to time we will have specific positions in the organisation to fill and we’ll formally advertise these. If you have submitted an interest in a certain area but there are no current roles available, we’ll hold your details and contact you when a relevant position becomes available.
Example roles and skills: Branding, PR & Comms, Media & Marketing, Business Development, Website Design and Administration, Project Management, Supporter Services, Ticketing, Quaker Retail, Volunteer Co-ordination, Data & Analytics, Creatives.
“As a fan of the Club the opportunity to get involved and offer my graphic design expertise was a no-brainer. I get to help the Club I support and in return get the opportunity to showcase my talents to prospective clients. It’s a win-win situation.” Ryan Jones – Volunteer Graphic Designer @
We’re building a great team on and off the pitch and are always on the lookout for individuals who can help, so if you have the time and drive to help and be rewarded as a result, then we’d love to hear from you.